So as we have our evenings free of gym and Agu has all the time without Karate, soccer, swimming or kids club, we have utilized the time to teach him new skills.
He got the balance of his push scooter within a few days so as a next challenge we took the training wheels off his cycle a couple of days back.
Today was day 3 of cycling lessons and he was riding on his own with Sooraj running behind.
Agu *totally impressed with his own performance* : “I am learning all this so fast, may be that’s my super power”
We: “yes baby”
Agu: “Do we have to take off any more wheels off my cycle so I can practice even better??”
We: 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️
#lifeofaboymom #parenting #parentingmemes #parentingisfun #quarantineandchill #family #makingthebestofquarantine #funnyparents #5yearsold
