The theory of dumplings!
Agu loves dumplings/momos but likes the stuffing so much that most of the outer covering goes to trash. 2 days back after eating dumplings for dinner he was so excited to show me the empty plate!
Agu: Mama, see I ate the whole thing!
Me: Aha, that’s nice!
Agu: Do you know how I did that?
Me: Nope!
Agu: Now I know a new thing, I always do the difficult thing first and easy thing after that. When I do activities I do difficult thing first and easy thing next.
Me: uh uh
Agu: So now I ate all the white covering first so I can easily eat the meat after easy peasy lemon squeeezy!! 😎
I cannot agree more with this boy! ❤️
#lifeofaboymom #5yearoldboy #love
