So this afternoon I gave Agu boy Mac and cheese and the moment he tasted it he made a face and mocked like he’s going to throw up. I really don’t know where he learned that gesture from, but I really lost my cool, not because he disliked something that I cooked (it was a packaged Mac and cheese) but the fact that he did that to FOOD! We have been roaming around and eating out a lot lately and I knew he was missing his favorite idli-chutney and fish & rice. Even then I gave him a good 10 minute lecture, “if you don’t like something just say you did not like it and no one is going to force you to eat it, DON’T EVER MAKE THAT FACE IN FRONT OF FOOD EVER AGAIN!!”.

It reminded me of a Malayalam food show where this lady tries out a Thai dish and makes a face and pushes the dish away (on a popular TV show, mind you).It’s true that our taste buds are all different, some of us are so fond of our fish curry and brown rice that we don’t like the taste of anything other than that, which is perfectly fine. But I strongly believe that we should never show disrespect to another cuisine just because it didn’t satisfy our palate.

We, husband and I, actually bonded well by our love for food I guess. Wherever we go we make sure we try their local cuisine, are always open to anything that doesn’t bite us back and moreover we make sure we respect every single thing we eat. We relish a wide range of it and there are a few we are going to stay away from.

So let us please teach our little ones to appreciate food, to enjoy their mealtime, make a little mess out of it and may be only when something is forced down their throat they have every right to spit it out!
