Scene 1: A week back
AGU: My sunglass is broken, Papa can you fix it.
*papa fixes it in a blink of an eye*
AGU: WOW Papa, do you have magic in your hands....just like MAMA??!! 
ME: *Blushing with pride 🙈🙈*
Scene 2, yesterday:
Sooraj gets out of the car to fill petrol
AGU: Papa knows to do everything!
ME: *gearing up to give him a Gyan on gender equality*
AGU: Did you teach him all that Mama??!!
I am so glad we are raising this guy right 😂😂 
Let me sit back and enjoy these moments when he feels I am close to a superhero as I am pretty sure he will outgrow this genuine childish phase soon! 😄😄
#lifeofaboymom #baskinginallthatlove #hethinksiamasuperhero#toddlerdiaries #momlife #momlifeunfiltered
