Majority of our time spent with Agu is about answering his never ending chain of questions. Sometimes he asks the silliest questions but then there are times when we wonder how inquisitive these tiny minds are! The best thing we can do for them is appreciate their efforts and respond to all of those, even though it takes up a lot of time & patience

Please don’t shut them out or mock them because the way we react to every tiny thing is eventually going to make them feel confident about themselves and also comfortable enough to run to us whenever they want to share their thoughts and feelings, however small or big they are!
P.S. In the picture, he’s asking me the 107th question about some caution sign on the drainage grill

#lifeofaboymom #growingupsoquick #pittsburghmom #thoselittlemoments#artoflistening #toddlerdiaries #everytinythingmatters
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