I remember we were very keen on teaching Agu the concept of sharing. This  little guy took it to the next level and started giving away his favorite toys to random kids at the park and we had their parents chasing us and giving them back πŸ™ˆ The only thing he was a bit hesitant about sharing was his favorite something to eat (yes, he got the love for food from both of us 😁).
So today was Parents day celebration along with the snack sharing day at Agu's school. So all the kids bring an extra share of snack and share it with the class. Isn't that a wonderful thing to teach kids at a young age? I really wouldn't worry about which number, letter or body part he learned from school as long as he gets to learn such lessons which he would carry all along his life.

This is what I made today, "dark chocolate mini sandwich bites" (okay so that sounds pretty fancy  😎)
