Our little baby is turning into a tall guy already, not fitting into our arms or laps anymore and we can feel those tiny changes in him where a lot of his baby behaviors are slowly vanishing, reflecting new mannerisms of people or kids he interacts with, and of course a strong opinion about what he wants. This transition was really hard for us to digest initially, from a circle where we could always monitor him to this big wide world where we are just a part of.
The obsessive mom in me has already started panicking, dreading that day when he would no longer want to sleep on my tummy, when he would find my drawings silly and when my hugs won’t be the solution to all his worries. So until then I’ll make sure that I’ll hold on to those hugs a little bit longer, enjoy every bit of his sloppy kisses and be the reason for his innocent giggles
The obsessive mom in me has already started panicking, dreading that day when he would no longer want to sleep on my tummy, when he would find my drawings silly and when my hugs won’t be the solution to all his worries. So until then I’ll make sure that I’ll hold on to those hugs a little bit longer, enjoy every bit of his sloppy kisses and be the reason for his innocent giggles

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