Every stay at home mom, at some point of her life would have encountered this question "What do you do all day??" and the funny part is that this mostly comes from another stay at home mom or from a person who has been a stay at home mom all her life! While the rest of the world has a very colourful picture of our life, here's what we actually go through 😁
Myth: SAHMs are so lucky, they don't miss a milestone of their baby.
Reality: While we get to see every milestone achieved, we are also not spared from all their emotional melt downs. Though there are chances we might miss out their first roll over or first step as we were busy in the kitchen making "healthy stuff", we are sure not to miss out a tantrum (for obvious reasons). So by the end of the day, having dealt with all the drama, all we crave for is a bit of silence 😀
Myth: Our morning starts slouching on the couch with a steaming cup of coffee.
Reality: Mornings usually start with a dilemma of what to do first
1. Make myself coffee
2. Make breakfast
3. Change Agu's diaper
4. Get husband his mandatory cup of tea
5. Do yoga (which only remains in my thoughts these days)
For mommies like me who often forget their cup of coffee at the kitchen counter and realise it only during lunchtime, I have a tip for you; stash it in the fridge right away and pamper yourself with cold coffee in the evening. By doing so you have half the amount of guilt washed off as you end up drinking just one cup of sugary coffee a day. I have been doing this for a while now and trust me it works perfectly fine 😆.
Myth: If you have a cook and a cleaning maid, you get to relax on the sofa all day long.
Reality: These two ladies or rather 'angels in disguise' do make our life easier but then not to the extend that we can lie down all day watching our favorite TV show or read a novel. With this tiny human half my height running around the house looking out for adventure, we are on our toes all the while..to catch them before they bump their head while jumping from one furniture to another or to act like their trampoline so they can happily jump on your spine.
This is just a bit from my day which I guess every stay at home mother would be able to relate to. To be honest, I have always admired the magic working mothers have, to balance house and work beautifully. As I was brought up by a working mom myself, I know it takes a lot of effort. At the end of the day we are all mothers, who try their best to mask dark circles and stretch marks and that's a wonderful bond we share.
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