We came to know about my husband's travel plan just a week before the travel date and there were a million questions running in my head because I had no clue how I would manage our darling toddler all by myself 😁 Those evenings when he's back from office was the time I would cherish, as finally I hand over Agu to him and get some time to think a bit about myself. Initially I thought I will travel to my native but somewhere I wanted to see how the independence works too. So after a lot of thought I decided to stay back and confront the battle. It's been a month now and here are a few lessons learnt 😁
Shower Time:
After I make sure that he is comfortable doing something he likes, I sneak into the bathroom for a shower. There are two scenarios here because of which I have learnt to hop out of the bathroom in less than 5 minutes.
Scenario 1: 2 seconds after I step inside the bathroom Agu comes and starts banging on the door "Mamaaaa shut the dooooor"(by which he means open the door).
Scenario 2: I don't hear him after about 2 mins into the shower and I get all creepy scenes come into my mind, "Is he chewing on a live wire?? Did he throw husband's PS3 down the balcony?? Did he manage to switch on the gas stove??" So there I am hopping out in no time.
My Punching Bag:
I realise how much easier life is to have that calm better half around to neutralize my anxiety, anger and all my roller-coaster of emotions. Now that he is not around, the only option I'm left with is to master the art of controlling my emotions. So here I am, missing him especially when it's his turn to change agu's diaper 😄
Keeping Calm is the Solution:
So as we all know toddlers try and find reasons to throw a tantrum, like he rolls on the floor when his banana gets broken into half while peeling it, hides under the bed when I say it's naptime, yells when I don't play his favorite song by Rihanna "What's my name" while driving. It was difficult to deal with tantrums alone and I realised it is really easy to yell back at them or give them a whack (I'm really against physical punishment and strongly believe it is only a way of letting out our anger and is never ever going to make your child a better human being). So I started walking out of the scene, I just walk away to another room or just sit and count till 10 and trust me that's all it takes. Those few seconds let us calm down and it really helps us deal with the tantrum with much more ease.
Feel like a Magnet:
As he is grown up enough to understand that Papa has gone somewhere and isn't returning any time soon he was very clingy to me probably because of the fear that I might also travel leaving him home all alone (Ohh I wish 😁). So it's like the moment I step out of the bed, he wakes up, depriving me of even his naptime me-time. Duh!
Thanked Online Grocery Shopping:
Believe me we have tried taking Agu with us everywhere possible, be it the vegetable shop, super market or even fish market and he really enjoys it. As I didn't have the patience or rather strength to stand in ATM queue carrying Agu to draw cash, online grocery shopping came as a boon.
So the most important lesson learnt is that we are capable of doing things when there is a necessity and those things we have always dreaded to do wasn't that tough after all. So all mommies out there, one month and I am still alive which means we all are indeed super humans without a visible cape.
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