A couple of months back, when the only thing in my mind and in the heads of people around me was our BABY, I got a text from my mom which read "Junju, feel like seeing you..will come over some time next month". It was just another text from mom and I casually replied but its later that I realised how much of an unknown joy it brought to me. Sometimes I feel with the birth of a "baby" happens the birth of a "mother" as well which most of us including the new mom herself, tend to forget. We do crave for all the pampering and love but somehow the mama instinct in us always prioritise our baby.
So coming back to my mom, whenever I read an article or when I hear people commenting negatively on working moms I could never relate to it. Though we grew up under a working mom there was not a time she wasn't available for us. Be it a small performance at school or parent-teacher meet or shopping or outdoor activity, mom was always there with us. Now when I look back I realise how much of an effort that would have taken, to leave us behind and go for work, pursue her PhD with the 2 of us very young, to put up with all the teenage drama and "new-mom" tantrums that I put her through! You have always had this power to read my mind.
Thanks for being there all the while, when I needed attention, when I wanted my space, when I wanted a shoulder to lean on, encouraging me with all the positive vibes. I'm sure my life would have been a lot more difficult without you around.
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