Yes..I'm officially unemployed from tomorrow or rather this evening..unlike previous occasions when I resigned (yeah I have already resigned 4 times ;)) this time for a change I'm gonna be unemployed with a 24*7 job..our big bundle of joy who is 5 months old and a toothless smile now :D
When I walked out of my office today there was indeed a sigh of mixed feelings..I will miss multitasking - babysitting, work and cook..will miss walking around the house with baby on one hand and laptop on the other..will miss those moments when my brain gets overloaded with stuff to do and I act like a zombie..times when I sneak to sit n work once he sleeps :) and yes I am sure I will enjoy a lot more free time with baby..those short naps I can pamper myself with, when he sleeps and a lot less stress for myself :D. Wishing myself a happy funfilled mammahood!! :D
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